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SimplerOptions Ultimate Guide to Spreads

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Product Description

John Carter, author of Mastering the Trade, has been trading options for nearly 25 years. John Carter’s father was a Morgan Stanley stock broker. One day during high school, John came home from the mall where he was working at a store making cookies. He had saved up $1000 over the course of a few months, and his dad told him that he and some of his friends were going to buy “some call options on Intel” the next day. Although he had no idea what they were talking about, it sounded good. He bought 10 call options at 75 cents, and sold them a few days later for $1.50, doubling his money. He was hooked and has been trading ever since–going on 20 years now.

  • Discover Low-Risk, High Profit Strategies
  • Step by Step Guide to Executing Successful Spreads
  • Basic to Advanced Spread Trading Strategies
  • Best Market Times for Spreads
  • Psychological Factors of Successful Spread Traders
  • Stop “Hoping” Your Trade Turns out well and Take Control Your Trades Make Money while Being able to Sleep at Night


Simpler Options – Ultimate Guide to Spreads Contents: Videos

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