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Statistical Analysis


If you see anything you like on this list, send us an email using the contact form. 

- Advanced Grapher 2.11 (serpik.com)
- AnalystSoft StatPlus 2007 Pro Rus-Eng
- CaterpillarSSA Pro 3.1 En-Ru (gistagroup.com)
- Chameleon Statistics Scientific Edition 1.21 (seventh-sense-software.com)
- DATA Pro 1.0.2 (treeage.com)
- DataFit 8.0.32 (curvefitting.com)
- Dataplore 2.0-9 (datan.de)
- Deductor Lite 2.0 Ru (basegroup.ru)
- Deduktor Pro 1.0 Ru (basegroup.ru)
- eXY 1.6.1 (exyonline.com)
- FFT Rus
- Info rus.txt
- Info.txt
- KyPlot 3.0.1 (kyence.com)
- Maple 12
- Mathematica 5.0 (wolfram.com)
- Mathsoft Mathcad Pro 2001 inc. Rus, Add-ins
- Mathsoft S-PLUS 2000 Pro
- Mathworks MatLab R2008b
- MiniTab 15 & 15.1.1 for XP & Vista (2008)
- NCSS Statistical and Data Analysis Software 2004
- Neuro Inspector 1.12.6
- Neuroexplorer 3.093
- NN-1.jpg
- R 2.8.1 En-Ru
- SAS Enterprise Guide 1.3
- SAS JMP Statistical Discovery Software 5.0.1
- Scilab 5.0.2
- SPSS 12.0
- SPSS allCLEAR 5.0 (proquis.com)
- SPSS Answer Tree 3.0
- SPSS Statistics 17.0 Multilingual
- SPSS Web Deployment Framework 2.4
- Stata 6.0
- StatSoft Statistica 6.1.478 Russian, Enterprise Single User
- StatSoft Statistica 7 Full
- StatSoft Statistica Neural Networks 4.0e
- SYSTAT AutoSignal 1.6
- SYSTAT PeakFit 4.11
- SYSTAT Systat 10.2
- SYSTAT TableCurve 2D 5.01
- SYSTAT TableCurve 3D 4.0