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Investools Advanced Options Course

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Product Description

Learn to ride market ups and downs.

Whether the market is up , down or sideways, you can use options trading to come out ahead. This course will give you more strategies to use to manage risk and help you reach your financial goals. You’ll learn several conservative strategies that can be applied in different ways – even in your retirement accounts.

Advanced Options Highlights

Take your option trading skills to a higher level, step by step.

Learn to generate cash flow with high probability strategies, and to use time in your favor with Calendar Spreads.

Evaluate how advanced option strategies match your personal financial goals, and which strategies work best in which market conditions by assessing price, time and volatility.

Discover the benefits of vertical-based strategies, such as Iron Condors and Butterflies, and create Diagonals by combining the best of vertical and time-based strategies. 

INVESTools – Advanced Options – 6 DVDs

  • DVD 1 : Introduction to Advanced Options  & Selling Puts
  • DVD 2 : Credit Spreads, Bull Put Spreads & Bear Call Spreads
  • DVD 3 : Debit Spreads, Bull Call Spreads, & Bear Put Spreads
  • DVD 4 : Diagonal Spreads
  • DVD 5 : Straddles and Strangles
  • DVD 6 : Index Options & Butterfly Spreads 

The seminar is easy to understand. Sure it needs concentration to achieve it’s purpose. The course is simply great and the instructors know what they are talking about. It works. – One thing though, the course does not give you a ready-to-run profit engine, you have to develop your own strategy set with the knowledge you get. Also you have to stick with your strategy and apply good money management. Then you will make profit.

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